Quick & Easy HTML - Tag Tips - - Close this Window
Online, people use HTML (HyperText Markup Language) to create Web pages.

Now you can use HTML tags to spice up your listings! Here's how . . .

Paragraphs, line breaks, and horizontal lines
Separate your paragraphs using the <p> tag for a new paragraph.

The <br> tag starts a new line without skipping any space.
To draw a line across the screen, use <hr> (for "horizontal rule").

Tag How to use it What it looks like

Bid on my item!<p>You'll enjoy it!

Bid on my item!

You'll enjoy it!

<br> Bid on my item!<br>You'll enjoy it! Bid on my item!
You'll enjoy it!
<hr> Bid on my item!<hr>You'll enjoy it!

Bid on my item!

You'll enjoy it!

Create titles six different ways

Tag How to use it What it looks like
<h1></h1> <h1>Bid on my item!</h1>

Bid on my item!

<h2></h2> <h2>Bid on my item!</h2>

Bid on my item!

<h3></h3> <h3>Bid on my item!</h3>

Bid on my item!

<h4></h4> <h4>Bid on my item!</h4>

Bid on my item!

<h5></h5> <h5>Bid on my item!</h5>
Bid on my item!
<h6></h6> <h6>Bid on my item!</h6>
Bid on my item!

Emphasize words using bold, italic and underline

Tag How to use it What it looks like
<b></b> <b>Bid on my item!</b>

Bid on my item!

<i></i> <i>Bid on my item!</i>

Bid on my item!

<u></u> <u>Bid on my item!</u>

Bid on my item!

Increase or decrease your font one size at a time using <big> and <small> tags

Tag How to use it What it looks like
<big></big> Bid <big>right away <big>for a great deal </big>and you </big>may win!

Bid right away for a great deal and you may win!

<small></small> Bid now! <small>Before it's all over!</small>

Bid now! Before it's all over!

Use color
Liven type up with built-in colors like aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray,
green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, yellow or white.

Tag How to use it What it looks like
<font color=color> </font> Bid <font color=green>now </font>and you may win!

Bid now and you may win!

<font color=color> </font> Bid <font color=blue>now </font>and you may win!

Bid now and you may win!

Center your text

Tag How to use it What it looks like
<center> </center> <center>Bid now!</center>

Bid now!

Create lists with bullets or number

Tag How to use it What it looks like



My item is: <ul>


<li>In excellent condition</li>


My item is:

  • New
  • In excellent condition



My item is: <ol>


<li>In excellent condition</li>


My item is:

  1. New
  2. In excellent condition

Attach a picture to your listing
Use the <img> tag and indicate the Web address for the picture.

Tag How to use it What it looks like


<img src="http://www.yourdomain.com/images/yourpicture.jpg">

Your picture will appear in the Web browser at the spot where your tag is listed.

To get exactly the effect you want—just combine tags.
For example, here's how to write "Bid now!" in bold, italic and centered:
<b><i><center> Bid now!</center></i></b>

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